Thursday, August 17, 2006

Hey just a quick note telling you all that Ramona and I are sitting together on the main floor right now reading comments. Praise God that Mony feels this well. The comments are incredibly encouraging (one thing, make sure you leave some way to identify yourself in case we know someone else with the same first name). We're going to go outside for a few minutes before they have to hook up the chemo again.

Keep going nuts,


Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord you are doing so well Ramona,it is so nice to hear that.You are always in my prayers.

Amber said...

I have been blessed by your blog as well. It's amazing to read of your faith in God and the strength He has given you to praise Him during this time. I will continue to pray!

Anonymous said...

Have I not commanded you?Be strong and courageous.Do not be terrified:Do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.
Joshua 1:9

Anonymous said...

Earl and Ramona,

Glad to hear that you are doing so well! Yay God!!! I'm so sorry that I wasn't able to see you when we were in Manitoba (you were in the States), but we look forward to every update and continue to pray for you.

Love, Michele (Jobina's sister)

Anonymous said...

Oh Im so glad you are doing so well. I hope you can glide right on thru like this thru this week of chemo. Wow what a great God we serve. You are indeed a light to the world. Keep up your courage. You are on God's side so you are on the winning side.........Wilma

Anonymous said...

Hey guys, hope this round of chemo is going well. I agree on the identification comment, as I just found out I missed the head shaving event! Here I am, avoiding getting a badly needed haircut cause I figure hey, it's coming off anyway. Apparently there was more than one Jay that needed the info. Still, I'll give it a post-event shave on Monday probably and send you guys a pic. :)

Thanks again for updating this so often...I'm on here multiple times a day looking for either updates from you guys or comments from's amazing how many people from around the world are reading this. Way to witness!

Jay Boaz

. said...

oh mony!!! i am so very excited that you are feeling well, that you could even come read comments, and that you n earl could go outside. that's so great to hear. i know you weren't looking forward to being locked up on the 5th floor...

i love you and am missing you so very much! i'm loving AB (i'm in calgary now) but also can't wait to be back in MB, to see you..

i shoudl go soon, but like everyone else mentioned, i really do see god being glorified through all of this. when i look into my own heart and soul i see so much growth and lots of stuff has been swept out to make room for that growth... thank-you for sharing your life and your heart w/ me(and earl too b/c you share so much of your heart on here) i am honored and blessed beyond words!!!

ok.. i really gtg

Anonymous said...

i pray for you daily

Anonymous said...

Ramona and Earl always remember-
The task ahead of you is never as great as The POWER behind you.

...if you have faith as small as a mustard seed... Nothing will be impossible for you. Mat 17:20

Anonymous said...

Thinking of you and praying for you every day. The kids remember you in their prayers every night. Hang in there.

Love The McCue's