Saturday, May 30, 2009

God is good.
I think it's time to just write. No words will quite sum up what we're experiencing right now anyway.

Chris Gore (one of the pastors) has an incredible testimony. To sum it up, he has lead meetings where they have seen 35,000 miracles in 9 nights. He also has a daughter at home with cerebral palsy that he's obviously contending for. Last year at this same Healing conference, he was up with her the whole night while she was screaming in pain....then the next morning, he was speaking on the goodness of God. Wow!
We saw two pretty ridiculous things happen in Ramona's body. At two different times we were praying over the tumor in Ramona's left leg and felt some shrinkage. It's pretty fun to feel it soften up. Peter, a doctor from the UK was also there praying with us. It's awesome to have his affirmation of what is going on.
Also, we watched Ramona's legs change length. You may wonder what that has to do with healing cancer.....and so do we. Keith (third year student) came to us yesterday and asked if Ramona's legs were different lengths. Sure enough, they were. So, we prayed over them and then one grew. That was pretty fun. They changed, but they still weren't equal. Her body felt like it was lop sided the other way. Later on in the evening, we prayed again and her legs changed again!!!!!!
These are the testimonies we remind ourselves of as we fall asleep while battling for the pain in her back.
A ridiculous number of stories still untold.
Heading to the healing rooms now,


Janet Hamm said...

Wow! I was just praying this morning that you guys would see some evidence of healing, and here you have! God is great, indeed.
Still praying,

Anonymous said...
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Joanna said...

Wow! Praise God! So excited with you guys and keeping you in my prayers here. I'm really glad to hear about the spiritual encouragement and the physical healing.


Brigitte said...

"Anonymous" should sign his/her messages...
all my love for both of you
I'm not a God person like you are, but I follow you and pray for you
brigitte and lilou

Pamela said...

Praise the Lord!!

Crystal Dueck said...

Woohoo! I'm rejoicing with you guys! I love it! God is so awesome! *smile*


Anonymous said...

Oh man, I CANNOT wait to catch up when you guys get back! Enjoy your last couple days!!! GOD IS SOOOOOOOOO GOOD!!!!!! SO EXCITED!!!!

Jill =)

Jackie Wiebe said...

I weep with joy and thanksgiving as I read of all the great things happening...I'm just as excited about your spiritual growth as I am about your healing...although they're equally awesome! I love you so much and am so excited for you and for your future!