Friday, February 01, 2008

Today was definitely more eventful-not just positive! The morning started off pretty decent. I woke up at 7:30-for those of you who know how late I get up at home that's pretty amazing! We went to the devotions and then had breakfast. We even had some kind of healthy pancakes with fruit syrup/jam. They were amazing! At 9:30 our time, I was called to my first treatment. I was walking down the hall when I slipped and fell. The leg that I hurt is my left leg-the one that doesn't have proper muscle control due to my surgery. I was in a lot of pain. The nurses were super nice and helped me up and everything. Right after I fell, I looked around me and saw that I had slipped on a green mushy grape. Can't believe how much pain a grape can cause. Well I am now using a wheelchair to get around(they don't have any crutches). My pain is a lot better thanks to some pain medication. The swelling is still pretty intense but I am able to hobble around a lot better than I was earlier this afternoon. I was really hoping to spend a lot of time walking and getting back in shape during my free time here. Hopefully this is just a little setback. Anyway....My first treatment including taking a little over a cup of blood out of me(calculated according to my weight), filling it with oxygen and then infusing it back into me while going through an ultraviolet light. The whole process took about 30-45 minutes. Earl is not allowed in the room with me and I am not allowed to take any pictures. The only pain involved is when the nurse(Tomas) puts the catheter(needle to draw out blood)in. It kind of reminds me of a blood transfusion, but just at a much faster rate.
The 1st picture shows my list of nutracueticals and my daily schedule. I take the first 6 pills on the list and 3 others. The schedule gives you an idea of what the medical part of my day looks like. Today was day 2. No, I haven't changed my name-here I'm just known by my maiden name since that's the name on my birth certificate.

The 2nd picture shows my 2nd treatment. First of all I am given the oxygen prongs and then connected to a liquid that is an oxygen carrier. The doctor and nurse came into my room to explain the procedure and the possible side effects. I was told that the side effects were rare and that some people are just more sensitive. Well, I'm one of the sensitive ones. They started the drip slowly to see if I'd react. I most definitely did. My chest felt tight, I felt like I'd faint, my face got warm, my stomach hurt and my heart was going crazy. The doctor checked me out instantly, cranked up the oxygen, stopped the infusion and the nurse quickly got some IV hydrocortizone. After a few minutes, I was fine but I definitely got scared. My doctor said I was just allergic to the drug and that instead she'd give me a pill. The pill is not as effective but should also 'do the job'. A little dissappointing but ...
Half an hour after I took my pill I was given a mega dose of Vitamin C through IV. After that I was given what they call Kemdalin. After the Kemdalin I was again given Vitamin C.
I had to wear the oxygen prongs the entire time which isn't my favorite thing. Atleast it made me drink a lot.
That was the end of my treatment. (Oh yeah, Earl wants me to mention the 'ice pack' they gave me for my knee. It's the round fabric thing lying on the bed beside me. It works but sure looks home-made!)

3rd picture is the back view of the hospital.
4th picture is the rooster we saw outside the hospital. (Earl was excited to see the rooster fighting with himself in the reflective windows)

Tonight we had Movie night and popcorn. We watched Princess Bride. Poor Earl-he didn't fall asleep though!

It's not even 9:30 but we're pretty tired so I guess we'll head off to bed. Once again I'm the youngest here in the Oasis program. There is a guy that is 16 who is doing a different program but he is around occassionally at mealtimes, etc.

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. said...

i love it that you explained everything so well. makes me feel a little closer. hate it that you slipped on the grape! i really hope you will recover quickly!
keep posting!
loving you, dayna

Anonymous said...

I thought you might get to see a bull fighting a person. But a rooster fighting with his mirror image is pretty close. Like I always say, start slowly, don't rush things, take them as they come. If you can't appreciate the little things........
so glad you are getting good care!