Sunday, August 12, 2007

Ramona just finished her second x-ray of the day. She is too busy reading her own chart to chat with me I figured I would just come and write. At this point news seems to be good. Earlier this afternoon, Ramona's x-ray showed that her lungs were good enough to remove the chest tube. They removed the chest tube a few hours ago and now they are doing another x-ray to make sure the lungs are still fine. We don't suspect any problems. Ramona's epidural was disconnected, but it takes 24-48 hours for the drugs to leave her body. The nurses want to make sure she is fine as she transitions from the epidural to only percocet for pain management. We expect Ramona will be out of the hospital early tomorrow but we still haven't heard when the doctors will let her fly. We don't really expect to spend much extra time here in Toronto. So that's our Sunday afternoon. We had quite an amazing date last night. I ran to the corner of Spadina and Queen to go rent a DVD...we made some popcorn...we watched half the movie...and then due to our old age we decided to go to bed...Ramona slept really well...anyway...our neighbors marriage issues on the other side of the room are too loud for us to finish our movie now...
Finally more relaxed,


Jobina said...

What a great idea to have a date in the hospital! Keepin' it real!

. said...

it's nice to hear a more relaxed tone... may things continue to improve...
love you both, and continuing to pray,

Anonymous said...

hey guys! i can't wait to see you back at home! still praying for you ~Lisa

Erin said...

I'm thankful you could have a nice night like that together after all of the ups and downs of this week. Sounds pretty cozy to me. :)

We're praying for your release from the hospital and your safe and comfortable travels home. God bless you guys!

Much love