Friday, May 25, 2007

So today I'm at my parent's again in the afternoon. Basically just like every other day for the past few weeks.
Yes, I am slowly improving and healing. The progress seems super, super slow. However, on Tuesday I stayed home alone while Earl went to work in the morning. I was able to get myself up and dressed and drove myself to my parent's for lunch. That was a pretty huge accomplishment. Since then the roads have been so awful so I haven't done much driving.
Another big accomplishment was washing dishes for the first time in a month! Earl had a bit of a misfortune the other day and ripped off his fingernail. So after supper I realized that there was no way Earl could do the dishes- it was up to me. I thought I'd give it a try knowing that every dish I got done was better than nothing. Well they all got washed.
I'm not really using crutches in the house anymore. I'm able to hobble around the house and do little things. Earl & I go for a walk every night. Each day we go about 100 feet farther than the day before. Earl has this goal that I should be walking half a mile one way by the time I go for lung surgery. I'm not sure if that's possible, but I'm trying to keep on pace for that. About half of the walk I use my crutches the way they're meant to be used and on the way back I either use them as canes or put my arm through Earl's and walk without crutches. I want to increase my ability to walk without crutches but my 'good' side gets affected because of how much it compensates for the other side.
That's pretty much an update on some of my accomplishments. Pain varies from day to day. When I lie down I usually don't have pain and when I'm sitting or walking there is usually just a dull ache. Sometimes I'm hit with severe muscle cramps. My pain meds keep most of the pain under control.
That's all for now,


Anonymous said...

ramona, hello, denise said that earl is a good husband and that she also said she is happy you got him.(for a husband) and tht he is very understanding or whatever.

Anonymous said...

Way to go Ramona!
I am proud of you! Whenever you feel discouraged that you are not recovering as fast as you would like, just remember how FAR you have come!
Keep fighting the good fight! One dish done, one extra step, even sitting up are all accomplishments that you should make you REALLY proud of yourself.

Chantel said...

It's good to hear that you are recovering nicely Romona! And great accomplishments, as well! Keep it up and stay strong, God bless.

Anonymous said...

Great to hear about the progress you're making - it sounds like you've come far since we were out there! Continuing to pray for all areas of your life.
Love you,

Anonymous said...

Oh Ramona, I feel like we should have coffee... I miss you. Thanks for blogging. You cross my heart many times a day.
Love you, Melissa

Anonymous said...

I'm still cheering for you Earl and Ramona. It's great to see you beginning to feel stronger, Ramona.
In this tedious journey, God is for you and longs for your complete recovery. May there be a blessing today that will put a sparkle in your eyes.
Love, Gloria.

Anonymous said...

Ramona.. so good to hear from you. I've been curious how things are going at your end. I'm so happy to be coming home- can't wait to see you! I know you should feel good about your accomplishments - you're a determined girl. :) Love & prayers. Cheers from India!

Anonymous said...

ramona & earl, so glad to finally see that you got some time to write a couple of updates. i've been checking your page often and been thinking of you guys. i'm so happy to hear that things are healing well, even though it is painfully slow. always listen to your body, it knows what's best for you. i just saw dr ferguson today, and everything is well with me. and i'm hoping that everything will be same with you. you are in good hands at mt sinai. please do write more, and i will be sure to check your page again. my best wishes and prayers are with you.