Friday, October 13, 2006

Uncle Ray & myself at the marathon. Uncle Ray is the one who organized the event and put countless hours into it. Thank you! Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

Ray, thank you for all of your hard work. It's so nice to know that Earl and Ramona don't have to worry about where to get the money for the medicines that will help Ramona get well.

Ramona, so glad to hear that you are feeling good and up to doing some "normal" things. I think God gives us "breaks" like that to give our minds time to unwind. I'm glad He's giving you a good break!

We'll be praying that all goes well next week. Keep us posted!

Love, Michele (Jobina's sister)

Anonymous said...

Earl and Ramona,
My love and God's blessings to you. I'm wondering how you felt during this Thanksgiving season. . Sometimes the "pain" (mental or physical) may block the sun and your "thanksgiving list" doesn't amount to much.
I read a short story this week about someone who was going through the cancer thing too, And his comment to thanksgiving was something like this. "I'm not focusing on all that I have this Thanksgiving; rather I bless the One who holds me!"
May you experience His personal love and support.
Auntie Gloria.

Anonymous said...

Thanks again Ray.
Tim R.

Anonymous said...

Earl & Ramona
I just want to let you know my thoughts and prayers are with you.
I wonder what it was like for you to go back to the hospital. Does it get any easier?
Just wanted to remind you that we love you and pray for you. I know you know that; but I wanted to say it anyway.
Auntie Emily

Anonymous said...

Hello Ramona and Earl,
My director and I were sharing on campus at the University of Manitoba some months ago and we happened to share with someone related to you guys....I wasn't fully involved in the discussion so I missed a few...
but i got the part about how you are now striving to ovrcome your challenges Ramona.....
I will be praying for strength for you and that you'll be a great example of His will in your life to many others out there.
I trust that His WILL shall be done in HIS sons name.
take care guys.